A downloadable soundtrack

1st track: 

2nd track:

 ○ Description of entry (e.g. genre, runtime, software you used, inspirations,   your process, etc.)

My main goal in music is to work in a FromSoftware game, so I like my music to feel huge and orchestral. The main idea was to have a boss fight, but as I had more time, I made a track that can work as a introduction to the actual boss, less huge, less percussive and more ambient, while keeping the dark aesthetic.

I got a huge inspiration in monks tantric choirs (like Sekiro actually), but to keep originality I tried using sampling techniques and postprocessing to go for a more phantasmagorical effect. In the boss fight, I had to use a bit different kind of choirs because I dont have a big budget, but I think it sounds very good and epic.

The first track is the main character arriving to the temple, it has a part outside the temple, and a part inside, becoming more ominous and obscure once the player get inside the temple.

The second track is the boss fight, the player fights a swordsman with a black tengu mask. Mid fight, the tengu mask breaks, showing that the swordsman has no face, and, as the battle goes on, the enemy turns black and screams as a beast, showing its true nature.

The concept is to have an evolving fight, with music that changes with it, and becomes louder and darker.

About the art, the inspiration (and the original work) comes from Francisco Goya (he has been dead for 200 years so no copyright), and his collection "Los desastres de la guerra", in english it would be something like "Disasters of war".

              ○ Chosen theme

"Inside my world"

              ○ How does it fit the theme? (optional)

I liked the artwork of the jam a lot but I didn't really felt represented by bubbles and colors. I saw a Goya´s exposition a few weeks ago and I really like the fine line style of his penciul works because it seemed ver chaotic and foggy to me. This sense of fug and numbness remembers me of a bad part of my life where I felt like I could see nothing out of a huge dark cloud, and I think, even tho I'm in a very happy moment of my life, it is a very accurate view on the emotional fatigue, depression and pain I had.
Fighting these demons (as on FromSoftware games) is what I like to do, so I think my world is very related to fighting epic monsters.

              ○ Link to streaming service of your choice (preferably SoundCloud or YouTube)


              ○ Soundtrack use permission, would you like others to be able to use your soundtrack?

I try to make consistent money out of music, so no. But contact me, I can work for all budgets, and we can arrange something.

              ○ Your contact information
email: diegodlpena48@gmail.com

instagram: @diego_snp48


Resolution - xploiter777.wav 45 MB
The blade of the red moon - xploiter777.wav 58 MB

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